Thursday, May 22, 2008

I was tagged by Kimberly ( use to be a Mosser) Gerlich....

People would say that I...try to be a good Mom (ditto Kim) and I worry too much about what other people think.
*I don't understand why...I am doing this...haha
*When I wake up in the morning...I go and wake up those boys of mine, some days are harder than others for them to roll outta bed!!
*I lost my will power to...workout!! I have been in such a slump...its time to get it together!!
*Life is wonderful amazing family & wonderful friends.(ditto Kim)
*My past made me...who I am today, every event is a life lesson..
*I get annoyed when...My kids eat supper and 10 minutes later claim they are starving!!
*Parties are not...very fun without all my girls there!!
*Dogs are....Great, but I seem to have really bad luck with them!! (golf cart incident)
*Cats are...annoying
*Tomorrow I am going to...go watch Zach play baseball
*I have a low tolerance for...dishonesty, especially right to your face!!!
*I'm totally terrified of...getting old
*I wonder why I thought my life would be...different...Being a single mom is better than the way I was living before. I seem to be happier now, content with who I am...
*Never in my life...did I think I would end up living in Idalou, Texas....yuck
*High school was something that....I look back on and smile about, I am still best friends with so many of them.(ditto)Had a great time in high school.
*When I'm nervous...I get really quiet
*Take my advice...always tell your friends, kiddos, family you love them, as much as possible.
*Making my bed is... Something I rarely do
*I'm almost always...early everywhere I go! Sometimes it even annoys me.
*I'm addicted phone...I'm rarely without it.
*I want someone...??????


Kim said...

Your a good mom!!!! Thanks for playing!! see you this weekend!

Jennifer Adling said...

Poor can play with mine if you dont bring a golf cart around!

Britta said...

There is a reoccuring theme in our posts like this - the importance of honesty